We Sit Together For A Minute
We Sit Together For A Minute
Alex Simpson & Alice Hartley
Thames-Side Studios Gallery, London, 2020
A conversation ensues between the lively gestural mark making and sensual quality of Hartley’s printmaking and the ambiguity, fluidity and visceral nature of Simpson’s works. Through this collection of works they explore the body, fragmented landscapes, memory and the anxiety and uncertainty of these times.
Losing Touch, 2019 Video, 8min12sec
Losing Touch, 2019 Video Projection, 8min12sec
Plaster and ink 2019, Alex Simpson Mono Screen Print 2020, Alice Hartley
Inside out, ceramics 2019, Alex Simpson. Mono Screen Print 2019, Alice Hartley
Drifting Apart, Plaster and ink 2019, Alex Simpson Mono Screen Print 2020, Alice Hartley
Plaster and ink 2019, Alex Simpson Ink and pencil on Gesso 2020, Alice Hartley
Clay, ink, mdf, paint, 2020
Clay, ink, mdf, paint, 2020
Clay, ink, mdf, paint, 2020
Clay, ink, mdf, paint, 2020
Clay, ink, mdf, paint, 2020
Clay, ink, mdf, paint, 2020
Plaster and ink, 2019
Plaster and ink, 2019
Plaster and ink, 2019
Plaster and ink, 2019
Black Stoneware , 2019
White Bisque, 2019
Terracotta, 2019
Marbled Stoneware Clay, 2019
White Bisque, 2019
Earthenware, slip and Ink, 2019